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第一条 为实施《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》,防止海洋石油勘探开发对海洋环境的污染损害,特制定本条例。
第二条 本条例适用于在中华人民共和国管辖海域从事石油勘探开发的企业、事业单位、作业者和个人,以及他们所使用的固定式和移动式平台及其他有关设施。
第三条 海洋石油勘探开发环境保护管理的主管部门是中华人民共和国国家海洋局及其派出机构,以下称“主管部门”。
第四条 企业或作业者在编制油(气)田总体开发方案的同时,必须编制海洋环境影响报告书,报中华人民共和国城乡建设环境保护部。城乡建设环境保护部会同国家海洋局和石油工业部,按照国家基本建设项目环境保护管理的规定组织审批。
第五条 海洋环境影响报告书应包括以下内容:
第六条 企业、事业单位、作业者应具备防治油污染事故的应急能力,制定应急计划,配备与其所从事的海洋石油勘探开发规模相适应的油收回设施和围油、消油器材。

第七条 固定式和移动式平台的防污设备的要求:
第八条 一九八三年三月一日以前,已经在中华人民共和国管辖海域从事石油勘探开发的固定式和移动式平台,防污设备达不到规定要求的,应采取有效措施,防止污染,并在本条例颁布后三年内使防污设备达到规定的要求。
第九条 企业、事业单位和作业者应具有有关污染损害民事责任保险或其他财务保证。
第十条 固定式和移动式平台应备有由主管部门批准格式的防污记录簿。
第十一条 固定式和移动式平台的含油污水,不得直接或稀释排放。经过处理后排放的污水,含油量必须符合国家有关含油污水排放标准。
第十二条 对其他废弃物的管理要求:
第十三条 海洋石油勘探开发需要在重要渔业水域进行炸药爆破或其他对渔业资源有损害的作业时,应采取有效措施,避开主要经济鱼虾类的产卵、繁殖和捕捞季节,作业前报告主管部门,作业时并应有明显的标志、信号。
第十四条 海上储油设施、输油管线应符合防渗、防漏、防腐蚀的要求,并应经常检查,保持良好状态,防止发生漏油事故。
第十五条 海上试油应使油气通过燃烧器充分燃烧。对试油中落海的油类和油性混合物,应采取有效措施处理,并如实记录。
第十六条 企业、事业单位及作业者在作业中发生溢油、漏油等污染事故,应迅速采取围油、回收油的措施,控制、减轻和消除污染。
第十七条 化学消油剂要控制使用:
第十八条 作业者应将下列情况详细地、如实地记载于平台防污记录簿:
第十九条 企业和作业者在每季度末后十五日内,应按主管部门批准的格式,向主管部门综合报告该季度防污染情况及污染事故的情况。
第二十条 主管部门的公务人员或指派的人员,有权登临固定式和移动式平台以及其他有关设施,进行监测和检查。包括:
第二十一条 主管部门的公务船舶应有明显标志。公务人员或指派的人员执行公务时,必须穿着公务制服,携带证件。
第二十二条 受到海洋石油勘探开发污染损害,要求赔偿的单位和个人,应按照《中华人民共和国环境保护法》第三十二条的规定及《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》第四十二条的规定,申请主管部门处理,要求造成污染损害的一方赔偿损失。受损害一方应提交污染损害索赔报告书,报告书应包括以下内容:
第二十三条 因清除海洋石油勘探开发污染物,需要索取清除污染物费用的单位和个人(有商业合同者除外),在申请主管部门处理时,应向主管部门提交索取清除费用报告书。该报告书应包括以下内容:
第二十四条 由于不可抗力发生污染损害事故的企业、事业单位、作业者,要求免于承担赔偿责任的,应向主管部门提交报告。该报告应能证实污染损害确实属于《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》第四十三条所列的情况之一,并经过及时采取合理措施仍不能避免的。
第二十五条 主管部门受理的海洋石油勘探开发污染损害赔偿责任和赔偿金额纠纷,在调查了解的基础上,可以进行调解处理。
第二十六条 主管部门对违反《中华人民共和国海洋环境保 护法》和本条例的企业、事业单位、作业者,可以责令其限期治理,支付消除污染费用,赔偿国家损失;超过标准排放污染物的,可以责令其交纳排污费。
第二十七条 主管部门对违反《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》和本条例的企业、事业单位、作业者和个人,可视其情节轻重,予以警告或罚款处分。
第二十八条 当事人对主管部门的处罚决定不服的,按《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》第四十一条的规定处理。
第二十九条 主管部门对主动检举、揭发企业、事业单位、作业者匿报石油勘探开发污染损害事故,或者提供证据,或者采取措施减轻污染损害的单位和个人,给予表扬和奖励。
第三十条 本条例中下列用语的含义是:
第三十一条 本条例自发布之日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版).
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated by the State Council on December 29, 1983)
Article 1
These Regulations are formulated in order to implement the Marine
Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and prevent
pollution damage to marine environment resulting from offshore petroleum
exploration and development.
Article 2
These Regulations are applicable to enterprises, institutions, operators
and individuals engaged in the exploration and development of petroleum in
the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China,
and the stationary and mobile platforms and other relevant facilities they
Article 3
The departments in charge of environmental protection in exploration and
development of offshore petroleum are the State Oceanographic Bureau of
the People's Republic of China and its agencies, hereinafter referred to
as the "competent departments".
Article 4
Enterprises or operators, while compiling the overall programs for
developing oil (gas) fields, must compile a marine environmental impact
report and submit it to the Ministry of Urban and Rural Construction and
Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China. The Ministry
of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection, in
conjunction with the State Oceanographic Bureau and the Ministry of
Petroleum Industry, is to organize examination and approval in accordance
with the stipulations governing the administration of environmental
protection over the projects of state capital construction.
Article 5
The marine environmental impact report shall include the following:
(1) the name, geographical position and size of the oil field;
(2) the natural environment and the conditions of marine resources of the
sea areas where the oil field is located;
(3) the types, composition, amount and the means of disposal of the waste
materials to be discharged in developing the oil field;
(4) an assessment of the impact on the marine environment; the possible
impact from development of offshore petroleum on the natural environmental
and marine resources of the surrounding sea areas; the possible impact on
the sea fishery, shipping and other sea activities; measures for
environmental protection to be adopted to avoid and reduce various types
of harmful impact;
(5) the impact that can not be avoided in the final outcome and the
graveness and causes of the impact;
(6) measures for preventing major oil pollution accidents: the
organization of prevention, provision of personnel, technical equipment
and communications and liaison.
Article 6
Enterprises, institutions and operators shall have the capacity of dealing
with emergencies with regard to the prevention and control of oil
pollution accidents, formulate emergency plans, have oil-recovery
facilities and equipment for containing oil and eliminating oil
commensurate with the scale of exploration and development of offshore
petroleum in which they are engaged.
If oil-eliminating chemical agents are to be used, their brand names and
composition shall be reported to the competent departments for
verification and approval.
Article 7
The requirements for the pollution-prevention equipment of the stationary
and mobile platforms are:
(1) oil and water separation equipment shall be fitted;
(2) the oil extraction platforms shall be fitted with the equipment for
treating oil-polluted water; the oil content of the polluted water, after
treatment by this equipment, shall reach the discharge standards set by
the State;
(3) devices for monitoring and control of oil discharge shall be fitted;
(4) facilities for retrieving residual oil and waste oil shall be fitted;
(5) equipment for garbage pulverization shall be fitted;
(6) the above equipment shall go through the examination by the shipping
inspection agencies of the People's Republic of China and must satisfy the
standards before efficacy certificates are issued.
Article 8
The stationary and mobile platforms that already started petroleum
exploration and development in the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the
People's Republic of China before March 1, 1983, if their pollution-
prevention equipment do not meet the stipulated requirements, shall adopt
effective measures to prevent pollution, and their pollution-prevention
facilities are to satisfy the stipulated requirements within three years
of the promulgation of these Regulations.
Article 9
The enterprises, institutions and operators shall possess civil liability
insurance or other financial guarantees to cover pollution damage.
Article 10
The stationary and mobile platforms shall be fitted with anti-pollution
record books in the format approved by the competent departments.
Article 11
The oil-polluted water of stationary and mobile platforms may not be
directly discharged or after dilution. The oil content of the oil-polluted
water discharged after treatment must meet the State's relevant standards
of discharging oil-polluted water.
Article 12
Requirements of control for other waste materials:
(1) residual oil, waste oil, oil-based mud, garbage containing oil and
other toxic residual liquid and dregs must be recovered, and may not be
discharged or cast off into the sea;
(2) the dumping of industrial garbage in large quantities is to be managed
in accordance with the stipulations of marine dumping of waste materials;
fragmentary industrial garbage may not be discarded into the fishery
waters and sea-lanes;
(3) domestic garbage that need to be discharged within 12 nautical miles
from the nearest land shall undergo pulverization treatment with the
granules less than 25 millimeters in diameter.
Article 13
Where exploration and development of offshore petroleum require explosive
demolitions by using explosives or other operations that are harmful to
fishery resources in the important fishery waters, effective measures
shall be adopted to avoid the spawning, breeding and fishing seasons of
the major fishes and shrimps of economic value; a report is to be made to
the competent departments before the operations and there shall be clear
signs and signals when the operations are under way.
The competent departments, on receiving the report, shall notify the
relevant units of the place and time of the operations in good time.
Article 14
Marine oil storage facilities and pipelines for the conveyance of oil
shall conform to anti-seepage, anti-leakage and anti-rotting requirements,
and shall constantly be checked and maintained in good condition, so as to
prevent oil leakage.
Article 15
In testing oil on the sea, oil and gas shall be fully burned out in the
combustion devices. With regard to the oils and oil-based mixtures falling
into the sea in the course of testing oil, effective measures shall be
adopted to treat them, and accurate records are to be kept.
Article 16
Enterprises, institutions and operators shall, immediately upon detection
of the occurrence of pollution accidents such as oil overflow and oil
leakage in operation, adopt measures for containing oil and oil recovery
to control, reduce and remove the pollution. In case of occurrence of
major pollution accidents such as oil overflow, oil leakage and well
blowout in large quantities, report shall immediately be made to the
competent departments, and effective measures are to be adopted to control
and remove the oil pollution, and the matter shall be subject to
investigation and handling by the competent departments.
Article 17
The use of oil-eliminating chemical agents shall be controlled:
(1) When oil pollution accidents occur, measures for recovery shall be
adopted; with regard to the small amount of oil that is actually beyond
recovery, it is permitted to use a small amount of oil-eliminating
chemical agents.
(2) With regard to the amount of irretrievable oil-eliminating chemical
agents (including the solvent) to be used, separate specific stipulations
shall be worked out by the competent departments according to different
conditions in different sea areas. The operators shall report to the
competent departments according to stipulations, and may only use these
chemical agents after approval has been obtained.
(3) In emergencies where oil floating on the surface of the sea may cause
fire or may gravely endanger human lives and property, and the matter is
unable to be handled with the method of recovery, but, by using oil-
eliminating chemical agents, pollution can be reduced and the consequences
of the accidents be contained, the amount of oil-eliminating chemical
agents used and the reporting procedures may go beyond the restrictions as
stipulated in paragraph (2) of this Article. However, a detailed report on
the circumstances of the accident and the circumstances of using oil-
eliminating agents shall be made to the competent departments afterwards.
(4) Only those oil-eliminating chemical agents which have been verified
and approved by the competent departments may be used.
Article 18
The operators shall make detailed and accurate entries of the following
circumstances in the anti-pollution record books of the platform;
(1) the operation of the anti-pollution equipment and facilities;
(2) the treatment and discharge of the oil-polluted water;
(3) the treatment, discharge and disposal of other waste materials;
(4) the occurrence of oil-pollution accidents such as oil spill, oil
leakage and well blowout and the handling;
(5) the details about the demolition operations;
(6) details about the use of oil-eliminating chemical agents;
(7) other items stipulated by the competent departments.
Article 19
The enterprises and operators shall, within 15 days from the end of each
quarter of the year, make a comprehensive report in the format approved by
the competent departments on anti-pollution and the circumstances of
pollution accidents of that quarter. The competent departments shall be
informed in good time of the positions of the stationery and mobile
Article 20
Government functionaries of the competent departments or the personnel
designated by them have the right to board the stationery and mobile
platforms and other relevant facilities to conduct monitoring and
investigation, including:
(1) collecting various kinds of samples;
(2) inspecting the fitting out, operating and using of various anti-
pollution equipment, facilities and materials;
(3) inspecting relevant documents and certification papers;
(4) checking up on the anti-pollution record books and the relevant
operation records, making copies and extracts when necessary, and
demanding that the responsible persons of the platform sign their names in
confirmation of the copies and extracts in question as correct duplicates;
(5) gathering information about pollution accidents among the persons
(6) other related matters.
Article 21
The ships that conduct official business of the competent departments
shall have clear signs. Government functionaries or the designated
personnel, in carrying out official affairs, must wear official uniforms
and carry identity papers.
Those who are investigated shall provide facility for the aforesaid ships,
government functionaries and the designated personnel, and provide
accurate information and statements about the accidents.
Article 22
Units and individuals that have suffered pollution damage caused by
exploration and development of offshore petroleum and are to claim
compensation shall, in accordance with the stipulation of Article 32 of
the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and the
stipulation of Article 42 of the Marine Environmental Protection Law of
the People's Republic of China, apply for handling to the competent
departments and claim compensation for the losses from the party that is
responsible for the pollution damage. The claimant shall submit a report
on claiming compensation for damage sustained; this report shall include
the following:
(1) the time, place, scope and the objects of the pollution damage caused
by the exploration and development of offshore petroleum;
(2) a detailed list of the losses caused by pollution damage, including
the names of objects, quantity, unit price, method of calculating, and
such matters as the breeding or natural conditions;
(3) an appraisal by the relevant scientific research department or
endorsement by a notary office in confirmation of the damage actually
(4) the original documents of evidence of the pollution damage, the
photographs of the related circumstances and other documents and materials
of testimony relevant to the claim for compensation shall be provided as
complete as possible.
Article 23
Units and individuals (those having commercial contracts excluded) that
demand reimbursement of the expenses for removing pollutants stemming from
the exploration and and development of offshore petroleum shall, in
applying to the competent departments for attention to the case, submit a
report of claiming reimbursement of the expenses for removal to the
competent departments. This report shall include the following:
(2) the manpower, machines and tools and vessels employed, and the
quantities, the unit price and the method of calculating of the materials
used in effecting the removal;
(3) the administrative expenses, transport cost, and other relevant
expenses in organizing the removal effort;
(4) the results of and the situation after the removal;
(5) other relevant evidence and certification papers.
Article 24
Where devastating pollution accidents have occurred due to force majeur,
the enterprises, institutions and operators wishing to free themselves
from the indemnity liabilities thereof shall submit to the competent
departments a report which must be able to testify that the damage
resulting from the pollution accident falls under one of the circumstances
described in Article 43 of the Marine Environmental Protection Law of the
People's Republic of China, and that the accident remained unavoidable
despite rational measures promptly taken.
Article 25
In handling cases of disputes concerning liability for compensation and
the amount of compensation for the pollution damage in the exploration and
development of offshore petroleum, the competent departments shall, on the
basis of investigation and finding out the facts, resort to mediation.
If a party does not want mediation or does not agree to handling of the
matter through mediation by the competent departments, the matter may be
handled in accordance with the stipulation of Article 42 of the Marine
Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China.
Article 26
Where enterprises, institutions and operators violate the Marine
Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and these
Regulations, the competent departments may order that they take remedial
measures to rectify the situation within a given period of time, pay the
removal costs, and compensate the State for the damage; in cases of
discharge of pollutants in excess of the standard, the payment of a
pollutant discharge fee may be demanded.
Article 27
In cases where enterprises, institutions, operators and individuals
violate the Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic
of China and these Regulations, the competent departments may punish the
violators by giving warnings or imposing fines according to the
seriousness of the case.
Fines fall into the following categories:
(1) The maximum amount of a fine imposed on an enterprise, institution or
operator that has caused marine environmental pollution is 100,000 RMB
(2) The maximum amount of a fine imposed on an enterprise, institution and
operator that has contravened the relevant rules and regulations in the
following ways is 5,000 RMB yuan:
a. not reporting a major oil-pollution accident to the competent
departments according to stipulations;
b. using oil-eliminating chemical agents not according to stipulations.
(3) The maximum amount of a fine imposed on an enterprise, institution or
operator that has contravened the relevant rules and regulations in the
following ways is 1,000 RMB yuan:
a. not having the anti-pollution record book equipped according to
b. the entries in the anti-pollution record book are irregular or false;
c. not reporting to or informing the competent departments of their real
situation according to stipulations;
d. obstructing the government functionaries or the designated personnel
from performing their official duties.
(4) With regard to the directly responsible persons, fines may be imposed
according to the seriousness of the case.
Article 28
If a party does not agree to the penalty by the competent departments, the
matter shall be handled in accordance with the stipulations of Article 41
of the Marine Environmental Law of the People's Republic of China.
Article 29
The competent departments shall grant commendations and rewards to the
units and individuals that on their own initiative report and expose
enterprises, institutions and operators that have concealed pollution
accidents in the exploration and development of offshore petroleum, or
provide evidence, or adopt measures to reduce the damage
Article 30
arising therefrom.
(1) "Stationary and mobile platforms" refers to the well drilling ships,
well drilling platforms and oil extraction platforms referred to in the
Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, and
includes other platforms.
(2) "Exploration and development of offshore petroleum" refers to such
operational activities as exploration, development, production, storage
and pipeline conveyance.
(3) "Operators" refers to the entities that perform the operations of
exploration and development of offshore petroleum.
Article 31
These Regulations shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.

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  在民法上,通常将各种保护特权的方法分为特权的保护方法和债权的保护方法。特权的保护方兴未艾,除各种物上上请求权外,还包括要求确认所有权或其他特权的诉讼。债权的保护京城 这里主要指损害赔偿方法。两主要区别在于:第一是根据不同。特权保护方法以特权的存在为前提,适用民法关于特权的三分之一,因此又称“特权法的保护方法”。债权保护方法则以债权的存在为前提,它适用于民法关于债的规定,因此又称为“债权法的保护方法”。第二是适用范围不同。特权保护法只适用于对特权的侵害,不管侵害是否造成实际损失,权利人均可这种方法。而损害赔偿的保护方法既适用于对物权的侵害,又适用于对债权的侵害。在保护特权时,采用损害方法仅适用于对物权的侵害已造成实际损失的情况。第三是目的不同。特权的保护方法,旨在恢复物权人对特权的客体享有完整的、排他的标本权利,从而使特权的内容得到实现。而损害赔偿的保护方法旨在补偿受害人因遭受不法侵害而遭受的财产损失。一般来说,特权保护方法更能充分地保护特权人所享有的所有权和其他特权,因此在具体运用以上方法时,应当首先考虑适用特权的保护方法。只有当特权的保护方法不能适用时,才适用债权的保护方法。当然,这两种方法是彼此联系、互为补充的,在特权受到侵害时,权利人可以采取一种方法,也可采取多咱方法。
  在所有权受到侵害时,权利人必须根据其所有以受到侵害的事实而提起确认所有权、返还所有物、停止对所有物 侵害等请求和诉讼。而在其他特权受到侵害时,由于他特权人并不享有所有权,不能根据所有权提出请求和提出请求和提起诉讼,而只能根据其对标的物的合法的占有权而提出请求和提起诉讼。这就是说,他特权人只能根据其合法占有权受到侵害的事实而提起确认占有、返还占有物、停止对占有物的侵害等请求和诉讼。《德国民法典》沿袭罗马法的规定,设有?有物返还请求权、占有妨害除去权、占有妨害停止请求权。占有之诉和所有之诉加冕 然是两种诉讼,但里弄者有着密切的联系。所有人直接占有所有物,当所有物受到侵害时,他既苛以提起所有之诉,也可以提起占有之诉,占有人也可以基于占有权提起占有之诉。某个权利人在某项财产受到侵害时提起所有之诉,但不能证明自己对该项财产享有所有权的,则可再提起占有之诉。

北安市人民法院 王海宏




第一条 为了加强对出口货物原产地工作的管理,促进对外经济贸易的发展,制定本规则。
第二条 中华人民共和国出口货物原产地证明书(以下简称原产地证)是证明有关出口货物原产地为中华人民共和国的证明文件。#13第三条 国家对外经济贸易主管部门对全国出口货物原产地工作实施统一监督管理。
第四条 国家进出口商品检验部门设在地方的进出口商品检验机构、中国国际贸易促进委员会及其分会以及国家对外经济贸易主管部门指定的其他机构,按照国家对外经济贸易主管部门的规定签发原产地证。
第五条 在中华人民共和国境内依法设立,享有对外贸易经营权的企业,从事“来料加工”、“来样加工”、“来件装配”和“补偿贸易”业务的企业,外商投资企业,可以根据需要向本规则第四条规定的签发机构申请领取原产地证。
第六条 符合下列标准之一的出口货物,其原产地为中华人民共和国:
第七条 申请领取原产地证的出口货物,应当符合原产地标准;不符合原产地标准的,签发机构应当拒绝签发原产地证。
第八条 申请领取和签发原产地证的程序由国家对外经济贸易主管部门规定。
第九条 企业违反本规则,有下列行为之一的,国家对外经济贸易主管部门或者国家对外经济贸易主管部门根据省、自治区、直辖市人民政府对外经济贸易主管部门的建议,可以区别情况通报批评、暂停直至取消其申请领取原产地证的资格:
第十条 签发机构违反规定签发或者拒绝签发原产地证的,国家对外经济贸易主管部门或者国家对外经济贸易主管部门根据省、自治区、直辖市人民政府对外经济贸易主管部门的建议,可以区别情况通报批评或者暂停其原产地证签发权。
第十一条 普惠制原产地证依照普惠制给惠国原产地规则办理。
第十二条 国家对外经济贸易主管部门根据本规则制定实施办法。
第十三条 本规则由国家对外经济贸易主管部门负责解释。
第十四条 本规则自1992年5月1日起施行。

Rules of the People's Republic of China on the Origin of ExportGoods

(Promulgated on March 8, 1992)

Whole Doc.
Article 1
The Rules are formulated in order to strengthen the management of the
origin of export goods and promote the development of foreign economy and
Article 2
The certificate of origin for export goods (hereinafter referred to
as certificate of origin) of the People's Republic of China is a document
to certify that the relevant export goods are made or produced in the
People's Republic of China.
Article 3
The State Department in charge of foreign economic relations and
trade exercises the unified supervision and management of the origin of
export goods in the whole country.
The foreign economy and trade departments of the people's governments
of provinces, autonomous regions and cities under the direct
administration of the Central Government are responsible for coordinating
the work concerning the origin of export goods in their own administrative
Article 4
The State Administration for import and export commodities inspection
and its branches in various localities, the China Council for the
Promotion of International Trade and its branches and other organizations
authorized by the State Department in charge of foreign economic relations
and trade are responsible for signing and issuing certificates of origin
according to the regulations formulated by the State Department in charge
of foreign economic relations and trade.
Article 5
Enterprises established according to law within the territory of the
People's Republic of China and enjoying the rights to conduct foreign
trade, enterprises engaging in processing with supplied materials or
samples, and assembling with supplied parts or in compensation trade, and
foreign-funded enterprises may apply for certificates of origin with the
organizations authorized to sign and issue certificates of origin as
specified in Article 4.
Article 6
The origin of export goods is in the People's Republic of China if
the export goods meet one of the following criteria:
(1) Products made or manufactured fully in the People's Republic of
China, including:
1) mineral products extracted from the territory and the continental
shelves of the People's Republic of China;
2) plants and their products harvested or collected within the
territory of the People's Republic of China;
3) animals and their products multiplied or bred within the territory
of the People's Republic of China;
4) products obtained from hunting or fishing within the territory of
the People's Republic of China;
5) the aquatic and other products or their processed products
obtained from the sea by ships or other means of the People's Republic of
6) wastes and waste materials recycled in the course of production
and processing within the territory of the People's Republic of China and
other discarded and waste materials collected within the territory of the
People's Republic of China;
7) products made or processed fully from the above-mentioned products
and other non-import raw materials within the territory of the People's
Republic of China.
(2) Products containing imported materials or spare parts finished or
processed mainly within the territory of the People's Republic of China,
thus making substantial alterations in the appearance, nature, state or
purposes of the imported materials or spare parts. The list of procedures
of manufacture and process shall be formulated and adjusted by the State
Department in charge of foreign economic relations and trade in
consultation with departments concerned of the State Council according to
the principle of taking the manufacturing and processing procedured as the
main body supplemented by the proportion of composition.
Article 7
The export goods for which the certificates of origin are applied and
issued should meet the criteria of the place of origin. Certificate
issuing organ shall refuse to sign and issue certificates of origin to
goods that not meet the required criteria.
Article 8
The procedures for applying for the issuing certificates of origin
shall be worked out by the State Department in charge of foreign economic
relations and trade.
Article 9
The State Department in charge of foreign economic relations and
trade shall, in accordance with the proposals submitted by the departments
in charge of foreign economic relations and trade of the people's
governments of various provinces, autonomous regions and cities under the
direct administration of the Central Government, make out punishments,
including circulated criticism, suspending or even revoking the
certificates of origin to enterprises, which commit one of the following
actions in violation of the provisions of the Rules:
(1) provide fake materials to obtain certificates of origin by
(2) forge or alter the certificates of origin; and
(3) illegally assign the certificates of origin.
The person or persons in charge of the enterprise and those directly
responsib le for the afore-said actions shall be given administrative
punishments and if the cases are serious enough to form a crime, the
criminal responsibility shall be affixed.
Article 10
If the certificate signing and issuing organizations sign and issue
or refuse to issue certificates of origin in violation of the provisions
of the Rules, the State Department in charge of foreign economic relations
and trade shall, on its own or according to the proposals of the
departments in charge of foreign economy and trade of the people's
governments of various provinces, autonomous regions and cities under the
direct administration of the Central Government, give them criticism or
suspend their rights to sign and issue certificates of origin.
Personnel of certificate signing and issuing organizations who try to
seek personal gains by resorting to cheating or abusing their power or
committing dereliction of duty shall be given administrative punishments
and if the cases are serious enough to form a crime, the criminal
responsibilities shall be affixed.
Article 11
The issuing of certificate of origin under the generalized
preferential system shall be handled according to the rules of origin of
the countries giving preferential treatment.
If there are special provisions on the issuing of the certificates of
origin in the bilateral agreements signed by the government of the
People's Republic of China with foreign governments, the provisions of the
agreements shall be followed.
Article 12
The State Department in charge of foreign economic relations and
trade shall formulate measures for implementation according to the
provisions of the Rules.
Article 13
The right of interpretation of the Rules rests with the State
Department in charge of foreign economic relations and trade.
Article 14
The Rules shall come into effect from May 1, 1992.